The journey

The goal is that you are taking your viewer on a journey with your messaging. There are a 6 key elements to magnetic messaging.

Let's break it down:

1. Attraction

The journey begins the moment your message sparks interest in its recipient. This is where the art of using the right words and energy to match the vibrations of your intended audience comes into play. Your message needs to stand out amongst the noise, pulling them in with something that resonates on a personal or emotional level.

A perfect place to use this is your reel cover or the beginning of your caption.

Here is an example:

"My most success came from being my weirdest self.

How authenticity is your superpower"

This hook example captures my ideal audience by hinting at authority knowledge and the power of emotional, effective communication by being your most authentic self, which is both intriguing and directly speaks to the desire for those sick of fitting in to a box.

2. Connection

Once you've caught their attention, we need to ensure we establish a connection. This is achieved when your message aligns with their values, struggles, aspirations, or experiences. It's the "me too" moment that they need to feel. One where they feel that your message is speaking directly to them, almost as if it’s been tailored for their eyes and heart alone.

Here's an example:

Imagine your audience is entrepreneurs who often feel their unique vision isn't fully understood or appreciated. Your message to them might be:

"You know that fire inside you, the one that drives your every move, fuels your late nights, and dreams bigger than most dare? I see that in you. It's not just ambition… it's a calling that only the bravest heed. Let's talk about how you can make that voice inside you heard, how you can ensure your vision shines brightly enough to guide not just your path but inspire others to follow."

This message connects by acknowledging the depth of their commitment and the common challenge of feeling misunderstood. It uses shared feelings and experiences to create a bond, showing them that they are not alone in their journey and that their feelings and experiences are understood and valued. This can powerfully resonate with your audience, making them feel seen and connected to you and your core values.

Key ticket, make your audience feel SEEN and UNDERSTOOD.

3. Reflection

A powerful message prompts reflection. It encourages your perfect people to think deeply about their own situations, beliefs, and desires. This reflective stage is crucial as it's where personal insights are gained and where your message begins to weave into their narrative, positively influencing their thoughts and, potentially, their actions.

Here's an example of how I would use reflection:

"Take a moment and think back to the last time you created something that truly made you proud, but hesitated to share it with the world. What held you back? Was it the fear of not being good enough, or the worry that others might not understand your vision? Reflect on this: every great artist started with a piece that wasn't perfect. Yet, it's through sharing our works, imperfect as they may be, that we grow. How would your journey shift if you embraced every creation as a stepping stone, not just a masterpiece to be judged?"

4. Emotional Engagement

As your audience reflects, they become emotionally engaged. Your message might inspire inspiration, hope, relief, or even a touch of nostalgia. These emotions are the hooks that make your message memorable and impactful, turning passive readers into active participants in the narrative that you are creating.

5. Transformation

Here is where the magic happens. A magnetic message can inspire change. Whether it's seeing a problem in a new light, feeling empowered to act, or simply experiencing a shift in mindset, your message has the potential to catalyse a transformation. This isn’t just about influencing a one-time action but about sparking a continuous evolution in their thought process or life. You are delivering to them the TRANSFORMATION that they will FEEL with your solution.

Here is an example:

Imagine this: A month from now, you get online to share your work and it feels different. Why? Because you're different. You have evolved and you've embraced the creative entrepreneur within you. Every decision you’ve faced, every doubt you’ve conquered has led you to this moment. You're no longer held back by the 'what ifs' or the fear of making the wrong move. Instead, you've learned to trust your instincts. You have leaned in to your intuition. You post, you know what to say. You voice your truth and instead of crickets, you get meaningful engagement.

This messaging illustrates a transformative journey. You want to encourage your audience to envision a future where they have overcome their current challenges and emerged as ___________ Enter core desires here.

6. Action

Finally, the journey culminates in action. A CTA. A call to action. One driven by the emotional and cognitive changes incited by your message, the recipient is now more likely to take action—whether that's reaching out to connect with you, sharing your message with others, or making changes in their own lives.

You are literally driving them to the next step by guiding them after building on the emotional stepping stones.

Here is an example:

Picture your life unfolding, forever captured. Dreaming of surreal family portraits or that solo shot that says it all? Secure your spot now—let’s turn your vision into stunning photographs!

People need the next step spelled out for them. Don't take them on a wild emotional ride and then just leave them hanging. It's like inviting someone in for sex , then turning your back and walking away it gets to crunch time.